
Special Helmet for the Navy Seals

Ever since the introduction of the Navy SEALs in 1962, there have been different gear used by the teams over the years. There have also been variants of helmets used by the Navy SEALs to ensure that officers have ultimate head protection during operations. Here are some of the tactical helmets that have been used over the years by the

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Why you should try out the Rogue Plate Carrier

Sturdy, high-performing, and durable, the Rogue Plate Carrier stands out as one of the best weight vests out there. Made in America, this simple but powerful plate carrier is designed to offer wearers with the best experience during bodyweight exercise and workout flow. The plate carrier is specifically made to be used with the Echo Cast Plates as well as

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Weight Vests and Exercise Routines

Weighted vests –sure, you have probably heard about them or read about them online. They are used for training; especially for military based exercise routines. So, how can they transform your fitness? How can they be used to ensure that you stay fit and energetic? Well, you know what they say – abuse is inevitable when the purpose of a

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