
Weighted vests –sure, you have probably heard about them or read about them online. They are used for training; especially for military based exercise routines. So, how can they transform your fitness? How can they be used to ensure that you stay fit and energetic? Well, you know what they say – abuse is inevitable when the purpose of a thing is not known. To make great use of the weight vest requires that you understand the vest and how it can be used.

First things first, a weighted vest looks very similar to a heavy waistcoat that allows wearers to put their arms through. The vest can either be held to the body by a zip-up system or a Velcro fastener through the middle. They work just like resistance bands. Weighted vests are highly effective for body weight exercise. It can also be used for regular home workouts. With the heavier burden on your body, you would be able to push your body to the limit and stretch your muscles even harder.

There have been a lot of comparisons between weight carriers and plate carriers. While both vests can be used for workout, plate carriers are often reserved for more military based exercise routines.

Weighted vests come in different models and designs. Some vests come with two pieces of vertical metal on both sides of the vests – front and back – connected by a shoulder strap. These kinds are found amidst the military. But just like the plate carriers, there are some weighted vest designs that allow you to increase the weight of the vest by insertion heavy plates in spaces. You can add as much as 10kg to 20kg in addition to the weight of your vest.

Both plate carriers and weighted vests can be used for workouts. It all depends on your choice of suit.

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